NVCA supports the local community group Lock the Nambucca Valley, which monitors existing mining exploration licences within the valley and keeps a lookout for any new mining exploration licence applications.  After a two year campaign, LNV was successful in deterring unwelcome metallic minerals mining exploration in the headwaters of the Nambucca catchment in 2014.  No activities were commenced under Exploration Licence ELA 4581 which after solid community opposition, was surrendered back to the State Government with the mining company citing that “exploration was not justified”.  For more details check out https://www.facebook.com/LocktheNambuccaValley/

The Nambucca Valley has highly erodible soils as identified in soil expert Michael Eddie’s 2018 Report ‘Land and Soil Hazards on the Nambucca Beds, Northeast NSW’.  Any mining activities pose a potential threat to local environments, water quality, farming activities and communities.  NVCA remains vigilant because we really care about the health of our catchment.